Thursday, December 04, 2008

Noise Pollution in World's Oceans

Not content with noise polluting on land, we are polluting the world's oceans. Whales and dolphins can no longer communicate or navigate over distance, due to increasing noise pollution in the seas. Sources of the noise are increasing commercial shipping, new types of military sonar, and oil prospecting of the seabed. At the same time chemical pollution of the seas makes their water more acidic allowing noise to proliferate further.

And when, in the not too distant future, Bangkok sinks beneath rising sea levels ...., will we have perfected waterproof boom boxes so that we will go down like the Titanic with the band playing?

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Book of Silence

Quiet Bangkok cannot wait to get hands on this newly published book.

"Vocal feminist and mother Maitland has always craved silence, and over the past five years has spent time in the Sinai desert, the Australian bush and the Isle of Skye. As well also looks at the history and concept of silence.

If you read it before I do please post a comment!


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Bangkok first, then Paris

400 Large LCD Screens Installed in Paris Metro

Three years after Bangkok, Paris has installed large (two metre square) screens in the one hundred stations of its Metro rapid transport system, spewing advertisements and the like. And to think that Quiet Bangkok had admired French intitiatives in urban noise control. However, the citizens of Paris are made of sterner stuff than making polite complaint. Comments on the news have already resulted in a call to arms. Quiet Bangkok has also rushed to the rescue:
Nous avons ces types d'ecrans deja a Bangkok, ils deviennent plus grands et on les trouve partout. En lieu de voir le 'cityscape' on voit le publicite banal. On croyait que les Parisiens aiment mieux le silence et trouvent le bruit insupportable.

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