Travels in e-Space
Trash Download
Noise Dragon
Yesterday I travelled by BTS from Mo Chit to Phaya Thai stations. Viewing my fellow travellers across the way, I noticed their diligence in travelling in another world, they were e-travellers, present in the carriage confines, but absent in a quiet e-world of their own. I became aware of the unusual quiet and quickly looked at the display screens, they were blank, and SILENT. The quiet of the e-world had conquered the noise dragon which haunts BTS, where passengers sit staring with empty expressions as the infernal machines download commercial trash to their captured brains.
Is this a real respite, has the absorption of passengers in their personal e-travels beaten the trash delivery? The time was 6.0pm when the carriage was crowded with tiered workers. Has there been a change of policy by BTS, a change previous requested by Quiet Bangkok? Is it a temporary lapse by the noise dragon? Or has the loss of audience to their private world, turned to a loss the trash downloads? So be it!
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