Quiet Bangkok - Noise Level Meters
For the serious campaigner against noise, a noise level meter is a necessary weapon! The simplest kind which gives an instantaneous measure of noise level is sufficient for spot measurements. With the evidence of a decibel figure one’s complaint has real relevance. The model I use is a TES-1350A made in Taiwan. I have used it for over two years without problem and its accuracy compares well with far more expensive models. Specifications, prices, and ordering information may be seen on the web-site http://www.tes.com.tw/
Evidence regarding habitual noise levels require an instrument that can give a reading that has been averaged over several hours, say the ten working hours, or a full day. However, we usually want to know where a present noise ranks on the tolerable or intolerable scale of noise such as that illustrated on the noise table below. For this purpose the TES-1350A is adequate.